Namespace TMPEffects.Parameters
- OffsetBundle
Calculates offsets for characters (to be used with e.g. Wave).
- ParameterParsing
Utility class for parsing parameters.
- SceneOffsetBundle
Calculates offsets for characters (to be used with e.g. Wave).
- TMPBlendCurve
Blend curve with built-in offsets.
This uses a different, internal way to calculate offsets (different from e.g. OffsetBundle) because it was created to be used for TMPMeshModifier clips in the timeline, which requires the offset to be adjustable in certain ways, in some cases.
- TMPOffsetProvider
Provides timing offsets for characters (to be used with e.g. Wave).
- TMPParameterTypes
Some types needed for specific parameters.
- TMPParameterUtility
Utility class for easy parameter handling.
- Wave
Allows you to easily create periodic animations. The class is explained in detail here. TODO Update link once docs updated
- TMPParameterTypes.TypedVector2
A Vector2 with a TMPParameterTypes.VectorType.
- TMPParameterTypes.TypedVector3
A Vector3 with a TMPParameterTypes.VectorType.
- ITMPOffsetProvider
Provides timing offsets for characters (to be used with e.g. Wave).
- ITMPParameterValidator
Validates tag parameters.
- TMPParameterTypes.OffsetType
Different built-in offset types, to be used with GetOffset(CharData, IAnimationContext, OffsetType).
- TMPParameterTypes.VectorType
The different types of vectors.
- Wave.PulseExtrema
If the wave has a CrestWait or TroughWait, PulseExtrema defines whether an extremum is passed once the wait time begins, or once it ends.
- TMPParameterUtility.ParseDelegate<T, U, V, W>
Delegate used in HasArrayParameter(IDictionary<string, string>, string, params string[]) and related methods to parse array items.
Generally, you can use the methods defined in ParameterParsing for this.