Table of Contents


The CharData class holds information about a character, which is primarily used by the TMPAnimator and its animations.
In addition to holding a selection of data supplied by the respective TMP_CharacterInfo, accessible through the info field, also holds TMPEffects-specific data and methods to manipulate said data.

Modifiable properties

Each CharData has a position, rotation and scale property. You may modify all of those properties using the respective setter methods.
CharData also exposes the initial, readonly value of each of those properties.

Through the mesh field, you can access the character's VertexData.
In TextMeshPro, each character consists of a rectangular mesh.
VertexData allows you to modify the properties of each of the four vertices of the character mesh.
These properties are:

  • Position
  • Color
  • UV0
  • UV2

VertexData also exposes a ReadOnlyVertexData object through its initial field.
It contains the initial, readonly VertexData.

Animating CharData

For an explanation and examples as to how you can animate characters by modifying the mentioned properties, see Animating a character.