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Scene animations

In addition to TMPAnimation, TMPShowAnimation and TMPHideAnimation, which the animations we've seen so far derive from and which are stored on disk, there is also a SceneAnimation equivalent for each. These are alternative versions of the base classes for the respective category which derive from Unity's MonoBehaviour. The primary purpose of them is to allow you to easily reference Scene objects.

Adding scene animations

When you have a GameObject with a SceneAnimation component on it, you can simply drag it into the corresponding dictionary in TMPAnimator's Animations foldout, the same way you would assign any scene reference. Once you did that, enter a fitting name for the animation in the field next to where you dragged the SceneAnimation. That's it! You can now use the animation in your text through a tag like any of the built-in animations.

Applying scene animations

Scene animations are applied in the exact same way as their respective counterpart: Scene animation tags can be directly inserted into the text, where scene show animations are prefixed with a '+', scene hide animations with a '-', and basic scene animation tags are not prefixed.

Creating scene animations

For information about how to create scene animations, see Creating animations.