Table of Contents

Offset Providers

Offset providers provide offsets (duh) for a given character (specifically, for a CharData). These supplied offsets are primarily used to make animation appear non-uniform for each character.
OffsetProviders implement the ITMPOffsetProvider interface.

If it were to not use any offsets, the e.g. <wave> animation would move all characters at the same time.

This is the same animation using an offset based on the index of the character.


A parameter bundle compatible with AutoParameters. Provides some other common modifiers to be applied to the offset (see its scripting api for more info).

If you use this in one of your animations, its inspector will allow you to pick from a dropdown of default offsets (such as index, x-position, wordIndex etc.), or supply a custom TMPOffsetProvider asset. That way you can create your own offset providers to be used in any animation (including built-in ones, as they all use OffsetBundle, if they use any offset at all).

There is an equivalent SceneOffsetBundle to be used in SceneAnimations that allow you to provide a TMPSceneOffsetProvider (which is a component instead of an asset).

OffsetBundle - Parameters

The parameters defined by the bundle (Type - aliases ):

  • OffsetProvider provider - offset, off
  • float Uniformity - uniformity, uni
  • bool IgnoreAnimatorScaling - ignoreanimatorscaling, ignorescaling, ignorescl, ignscl
  • bool ZeroBasedOffset - zerooffset, zerooff