Table of Contents

Built-in show / hide animations

This section gives you a complete overview of all built-in show and hide animations and their parameters (for basic / scene animations see the respective sections). Each of the animations listed here has both a show and a hide version.
Show / hide animations are applied in the same manner as basic animations, except show animations use a '+' prefix: <+shake>TMPEffects</+shake> and hide animations use a '-' prefix: <-fade>TMPEffects</->.

Each parameter here specifies its type; you can find the overview of built-in types here. In addition to this overview, the animation assets (located under Assets/TMPEffects/Resources, once you imported the required resources) all come with descriptive tooltips.

Show Descriptions Show Aliases
  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • Curve: AnimationCurve
    The curve used for fading in / out.
    curve, crv, c
  • Anchor: Vector3
    The anchor that is faded in / out from.
    anchor, anc, a
  • Direction: Vector3
    The direction that is faded in / out from.
    direction, dir
  • Show:StartOpacity: float
    The opacity that is faded in from.
    startopacity, startop, start
  • Hide:TargetOpacity: float
    The opacity that is faded out from.
    targetopacity, targetop, target

  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • Curve: AnimationCurve
    The curve used for getting the t-value to interpolate between the angles.
    curve, crv, c
  • Pivot: TypedVector3
    The pivot position of the rotation.
    pivot, pv, p
  • StartAngle: Vector3
    The starting euler angles.
    startangle, start
  • TargetAngle: Vector3
    The target euler angles.
    targetangle, target

  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • Curve: AnimationCurve
    The curve used for getting the t-value to interpolate between the scales.
    curve, crv, c
  • Show StartScale: Vector3
    The scale to start growing to the initial scale from.
    startscale, startscl, start
  • Hide TargetScale: Vector3
    The scale to grow to from the initial scale.
    targetscale, targetscl, target
  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • Curve: AnimationCurve
    The curve used for getting the t-value to interpolate between the percentages.
    curve, crv, c
  • Anchor: TypedVector3
    The anchor from where the character spreads.
    anchor, anc, a
  • Direction: Vector3
    The direction in which the character spreads.
    direction, dir, d
  • StartPercentage: float
    The start percentage of the spread, 0 being fully hidden.
    startpercentage, start
  • TargetPercentage: float
    The target percentage of the spread, 1 being fully shown.
    targetpercentage, target

  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • Curve: AnimationCurve
    The curve used for getting the t-value to interpolate between the start and target position.
    curve, crv, c
  • Show StartPositon: TypedVector3
    The postion to move the character in from.
    startposition, startpos, start
  • Hide TargetPosition: TypedVector3
    The postion to move the character to.
    targetposition, targetpos, target

  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • MaxXAmplitude: float
    The maximum X amplitude of each shake.
    maxxamplitude, maxxamp, maxxa, maxx
  • MinXAmplitude: float
    The minimum X amplitude of each shake.
    minxamplitude, minxamp, minxa, minx
  • MaxYAmplitude: float
    The maximum Y amplitude of each shake.
    maxyamplitude, maxyamp, maxya, maxy
  • MinYAmplitude: float
    The minimum Y amplitude of each shake.
    minyamplitude, minyamp, minya, miny
  • MaxWait: float
    The minimum amount of time to wait after each shake.
    maxwait, maxw
  • MinWait: float
    The maximum amount of time to wait after each shake.
    minwait, minw
  • WaitCurve: AnimationCurve
    The curve that defines the falloff of the wait between each shake.
    waitcurve, waitcrv, waitc
  • AmplitudeCurve: AnimationCurve
    The curve that defines the falloff of the amplitude of each shake.
    amplitudecurve, amplitudecrv, amplitudec, ampcurve, ampcrv, ampc
  • Duration: float
    How long the animation will take to fully show / hide the character.
    duration, dur, d
  • Characters: string
    The pool of characters to change to.
    characters, chars, char, c
  • Probability: float
    The probability to change to a character different from the original.
    probability, prob, p
  • MinWait: float
    The minimum amount of time to wait once a character changed (or did not change).
    minwait, minw, min
  • MaxWait: float
    The maximum amount of time to wait once a character changed (or did not change).
    maxwait, maxw, max
  • AutoCase: bool
    Whether to ensure capitalized characters are only changed to other capitalized characters, and vice versa.
    autocase, case
  • WaitCurve: AnimationCurve
    The curve that defines the falloff of the wait between each change.
    waitcurve, waitcrv, waitc
  • ProbabilityCurve: AnimationCurve
    The curve that defines the falloff of the probability of changing to a character other than the original.
    probabilitycurve, probabilitycrv, probabilityc, probcurve, probcrv, probc