Namespace TMPEffects.CharacterData
- CharData
Holds information about a character.
In addition to holding a selection of data supplied by the respective TMPro.TMP_CharacterInfo, accessible through the info field, also holds TMPEffects specific data and methods to manipulate said data.
- CharDataState
Utility class that stores a CharData and modifications to it, allowing you to make multiple modifications iteratively and to apply at once.
Used in TMPAnimator to apply animations.
- ReadOnlyCharDataState
Readonly version of CharDataState.
Used to expose the current state of the CharData in IAnimationContext, allowing you to take it into account in your animations (ideally with late animations, see the docs).
- ReadOnlyVertexData
Holds data about a character's mesh.
- VertexData
Holds data about a character's mesh.
- CharData.Info
Holds a selection of data of TMPro.TMP_CharacterInfo, as well as some data about the initial mesh of the character.
- ICharDataState
Exposes vertex state of a CharData to allow iterative modifications.
Used in CharDataState and ReadOnlyCharDataState.
- VisibilityState
A character's visibility state.
A character can be either fully shown or hidden, or in the process of being shown or hidden.