Namespace TMPEffects.CharacterData
- CharData
Represents a TextMeshPro character, allowing you to make modifications to its appearance.
Primarily used by TMPAnimator and its animations to animate a character.
When used in that manner, modifications made to it (e.g. by using SetPosition(Vector3), or directly modifying the CharacterModifiers), will be applied by the animator to the actual mesh of the character.
- ReadOnlyCharData
A read-only wrapper around CharData.
- ReadOnlyVertexData
Holds immutable data about a TextMeshPro character mesh.
- VertexData
Holds data about a TextMeshPro character mesh.
- CharData.Info
Holds a selection of data of TMP_CharacterInfo, as well as data about the initial mesh of the character.
- VisibilityState
A character's visibility state.
A character can be either fully shown or hidden, or in the process of being shown or hidden.