Built-in animations
This section gives you a complete overview of all built-in basic animations and their parameters (for show / hide / scene animations see the respective sections).
Basic animations are those type of animation seen in the previous section, which animate a piece of text continuously over time.
You apply basic animations like you would a normal TextMeshPro tag, e.g.: <wave>TMPEffects</>.
Each parameter here specifies its type; you can find the overview of built-in types here. In addition to this overview, the animation assets (located under Assets/TMPEffects/Resources, once you imported the required resources) all come with descriptive tooltips.
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- MaxOpacity: float
The maximum opacity.maxopacity, maxop, max
- FadeInAnchor: Vector3
The anchor used for fading in.fadeinanchor, fianchor, fianc, fia
- FadeInDirection: Vector3
The direction used for fading in.fadeindirection, fidirection, fidir, fid
- MinOpacity: float
The minimum opacity.minopacity, minop, min
- FadeOutAnchor: Vector3
The anchor used for fading out.fadeoutanchor, foanchor, foanc, foa
- FadeOutDirection: Vector3
The direction used for fading out.fadeoutdirection, fodirection, fodir, fod
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- Pivot: TypedVector3
The pivot of the rotation.pivot, pv, p
- RotationAxis: Vector3
The axis to rotate around.rotationaxis, axis, a
- MaxAngleLimit: float
The maximum angle.maxangle, maxa, max
- MinAngleLimit: Vector3
The minimum angle.minangle, mina, min
- Speed: float
The speed at which the animation plays.speed, sp, s
- SqueezeFactor: float
The percentage of its original size the text is squeezed to.squeezefactor, squeeze, sqz
- Amplitude: float
The amplitude the text pushes to the left / right.amplitude, amp
- Characters: string
The pool of characters to change to.characters, chars, char, c
- Probability: float
The probability to change to a character different from the original.probability, prob, p
- MinWait: float
The minimum amount of time to wait once a character changed (or did not change).minwait, minw, min
- MaxWait: float
The maximum amount of time to wait once a character changed (or did not change).maxwait, maxw, max
- AutoCase: bool
Whether to ensure capitalized characters are only changed to other capitalized characters, and vice versa.autocase, case
- Uniform: bool
Whether to apply the shake uniformly across the text.uniform, uni
- MaxXAmplitude: float
The maximum X amplitude of each shake.maxxamplitude, maxxamp, maxxa, maxx
- MinXAmplitude: float
The minimum X amplitude of each shake.minxamplitude, minxamp, minxa, minx
- MaxYAmplitude: float
The maximum Y amplitude of each shake.maxyamplitude, maxyamp, maxya, maxy
- MinYAmplitude: float
The minimum Y amplitude of each shake.minyamplitude, minyamp, minya, miny
- UniformWait: bool
Whether to use uniform wait time across the text. Ignored if uniform is true.uniformwait, uniwait, uniw
- MaxWait: float
The minimum amount of time to wait after each shake.maxwait, maxw
- MinWait: float
The maximum amount of time to wait after each shake.minwait, minw
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- MaxScale: float
The maximum scale to grow to.maxscale, maxscl, max
- MinScale: float
The minimum scale to shrink to.minscale, minscl, min
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- Colors: Color[]
The colors to cycle through.colors, clrs
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- GrowAnchor: TypedVector3
The anchor used for growing.growanchor, growanc, ganc
- GrowDirection: Vector3
The direction used for growing.growdirection, growdir, gdir
- ShrinkAnchor: TypedVector3
The anchor used for shrinking.shrinkanchor, shrinkanc, sanc
- ShrinkDirection: Vector3
The direction used for shrinking.shrinkdirection, shrinkdir, sdir
- MaxPercentage: float
The maximum percentage to spread to, at 1 being completely shown.maxpercentage, maxp, max
- MinPercentage: float
The minimum percentage to unspread to, at 0 being completely hidden.minpercentage, minp, min
- Pivot: TypedVector3
The pivot position of the rotation.pivot, pv, p
- RotationAxis: Vector3
The axis to rotate around.rotationaxis, axis, a
- Speed: float
The speed of the rotation, in rotations per second.speed, sp, s
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- Wave: see Waves
- OffsetProvider: see OffsetProviders
- Delay: float
The delay between each change, in seconds.delay, d
- Min/MaxOffset: Vector3
The min/max offset from the original position.minoffset / maxoffset, minoff / maxoff
- Min/MaxRotation: Vector3
The min/max rotation.minrotation / maxrotation, minrot / maxrot
- Min/MaxScale: Vector3
The min/max scale.minscale / maxscale, minscl / maxscl
- Min/MaxColorShift: Vector3
The min/max color shift, as RGB values.mincolorshift / maxcolorshift, minclrshift / maxclrshift, minclr / maxclr
<swing> and <jump> are based on previous animations; they use the same code with different default values. <swing> is based on <pivot>, <jump> is based on <wave>. The parameters are therefore identical with the ones they are based on.